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5 Essential Reads for Celebrating Pride month 

5 Essential Reads for Celebrating Pride month 

As Pride Month envelops us with its vibrant spirit, it’s the perfect time to immerse ourselves in the literature that illuminates the diverse and beautiful spectrum of LGBTQ+ voices. These five essential reads will take you on a captivating journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the universal pursuit of love and belonging.

Each book on this list represents a unique facet of the LGBTQ+ experience, offering profound insights and empowering narratives that transcend labels and ignite empathy.

Whether you identify as LGBTQ+ yourself, are an ally seeking understanding, or simply appreciate the beauty of diverse storytelling, these must-read books will captivate your heart and expand your worldview. Get ready to embark on a literary adventure!

  1. Freshwater by Akwaeke Emezi:

In “Freshwater,” Akwaeke Emezi introduces us to Ada, a remarkable character who has always been perceived as unusual. Born in southern Nigeria, Ada is a source of concern for her family as she develops separate selves within her. Exploring themes of identity, spirituality, and mental health, this novel takes us on a journey as Ada’s life spirals in unpredictable directions. Emezi’s exquisite storytelling will leave you mesmerized.

  1. The Death of Vivek Oji by Akwaeke Emezi:

“The Death of Vivek Oji” transports us to a pivotal day in Vivek’s life, where tragedy strikes and his family grapples with understanding their child. Set in Nigeria, this heart-wrenching tale delves into themes of self-discovery, identity, and the complexities of familial relationships. Emezi’s evocative prose and unforgettable characters make this a powerful exploration of love, acceptance, and the challenges faced by queer individuals.

  1. Vagabonds! By Eloghosa Osunde:

In her debut novel, “Vagabonds!,” Eloghosa Osunde confronts the insidious nature of Nigerian capitalism, corruption, and oppression. Through a defiant and inventive narrative, the story pays homage to those who resist societal norms and embrace life as an act of defiance. Osunde’s unflinching exploration of social issues will leave a lasting impact and inspire readers to question the status quo.

  1. Dear Senthuran by Akwaeke Emezi:

In this extraordinary memoir, Akwaeke Emezi shares their own harrowing yet resolute truths. Through candid and intimate correspondence with friends, lovers, and family, Emezi traces their journey of self-discovery, artistic expression, and navigating complex relationships. With a blend of vulnerability and strength, “Dear Senthuran” offers a profound reflection on storytelling, identity, and survival.

  1. Pet by Akwaeke Emezi:

In the city of Lucille, where children are taught that monsters no longer exist, Jam and her best friend, Redemption, encounter a creature called Pet. As Jam learns the truth about monsters and confronts a haunting mystery, Emezi explores themes of courage, truth, and the power of believing in oneself. “Pet” is a thought-provoking and imaginative tale that challenges societal norms and encourages us to question the world around us.

These five essential reads provide a rich tapestry of LGBTQ+ experiences, inviting readers to explore diverse narratives and gain a deeper understanding of the triumphs and struggles within the community. As we celebrate Pride Month, let these captivating books ignite conversations, inspire empathy, and remind us of the power of storytelling to foster acceptance and love. Enjoy these literary gems and embrace the beauty of queer voices in literature.

About the Writer: Precious Obiabunmo is a graduate of English and Literature at Nnamdi Azikiwe University. She’s the Digital Content/Community Manager at Kachifo Limited. Connect with her on LinkedIn

Photo by Jiroe (Matia Rengel) on Unsplash

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