Telling our own stories

Telling our stories

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Farafina Story of the Month Contest

Here’s a unique opportunity for upcoming writers! Submit your short stories and get a chance to have an established writer review your work! Winning story gets published on the blog; winner also gets a Farafina VIP gift pack! Runners-up also get gifts from Farafina! So, start writing! Guidelines   Each person is to write an […]

Farafina Visits Ansar-ud-Deen College Isolo

[slideshow] As you may already know we kicked off our Farafina Celebrates Nigeria @ 50 month with a book reading at Ansar-ud-Deen College, Isolo last week.  The event opened with our guests, journalist Toyin Akinosho and on-air personality/writer, Tosyn Bucknor talking with the students about the importance of reading and literacy to one’s career.  Next, Tosyn read an excerpt from one of her favorite African books, Zahrah the Windseeker (a Farafina Books title).  The […]


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