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Want to Start a Book Club?

Have you ever read a great book and wished you could talk to someone about it?  Or maybe you’ve thought about starting a book club before?  We’ve got news for you! If you or anyone you know are interested in putting together a Book Club, or if you already run a book club, then I’m […]

Kingdom of Ife Storms the British Museum

The British Museum in the UK is currently exhibiting about 100 sculptures in its Kingdom of Ife Exhibition.  It is of course lovely to experience these pieces of art upfront but some have been asking the questions that nobody seems comfortable to answer just yet about African treasures showing up for display everywhere else but […]

Farafina Trust Creative Writing Workshop

Farafina Trust will be holding a creative writing workshop in Lagos, organized by award-winning writer and creative director of Farafina Trust, Chimamanda Adichie, from May 20 to May 29 2010. The workshop is sponsored by Nigerian Breweries Plc. Guest writers who will co-teach the workshop alongside Adichie are the Caine Prize Winning Kenyan writer Binyavanga […]

Wordless Post: BookJam Picture Show

It was lovely seeing everyone there and to those who couldn’t make it…you missed out!!!  Okay, okay, look forward to seeing you at the next one!  (Not quite wordless but forgive us)

Is Africa Ready for Science Fiction?

So in light of all the bruhaha surrounding the film District 9 and the subsequent ban by the Ministry of Information (seems so long ago now), we found the following piece even more fascinating.  Also seeing that the recently announced Penguin Books Prize for African Literature leaves out authors of science fiction works, it is […]


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